FYI - I already kicked off a discussion of this on the At-Large list:

There appears some consensus that this is not specifically an ICANN problem, but one of application implementation. However it would behoove ICANN to provide definitive guidance to both developers and the public on how best to avoid confusion


On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 6:51 PM, Fouad Bajwa <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I have recently been following IDN discussions at: and as well reading
this article which is also in discussion at other lists and would be
of great interest to us in NCUC/NCSG: De-Latinisation of the Web:

Is it possible that there will be a more chaotic situation around the
IDN and its market ecosystem with the lack of understanding of IDNs
and knowledge on the simple user's part?

There is another step that comes as a corporate social responsibility
since ICANN calls titles itself as a corporation that ICANN or its
partners and affiliates may have to invest a great deal in capacity
building across the world or pass this duty on to its registrars and
their registries.

This maybe part of an emerging issue for NCUC to look into and
dedicate some time and discussion for recommendations/advice to ICANN.

Fouad Bajwa

Joly MacFie  917 442 8665 Skype:punkcast
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