Thanks very much, Avri.

I think it would be a good practice for these policy discussions to  
be recorded and archived and the transcripts also.  It will be  
especially useful for those who were not able to attend the mtg  
personally but want to participate in the ongoing discussion.   If we  
have the means to do this, let's do it!   Thanks again!


On Jan 7, 2010, at 11:41 AM, Avri Doria wrote:

> Hi,
> I received a question about the appropriateness of publishing the  
> transcript.
> So I have, for the time being, removed it from the website pending  
> this question:
> Of the people on the call yesterday, are there any who object to  
> the publication of the transcript.  Please let me know privately -  
> if you don't want to say so in public.  If I don't hear any  
> objection in the next 48 hours, I will make it available again. If  
> anyone objects, I will not make it public.
> Note:  people were told  it was being recorded and had assumed  
> people had no problem with that.  We did not explicitly mention  
> that a transcirpt would be made available.
> I would also like to ask the question in general:
> Do people accept that these policy discussions be recorded and that  
> the recordings and transcripts be made public?
> thanks
> a.

Robin Gross, Executive Director
1192 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA  94117  USA
p: +1-415-553-6261    f: +1-415-462-6451
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