I will be pleased to volunteer, if allowed to.

Thanking you,

At 15:36 31-01-2010, Avri Doria wrote:
>Volunteers should let our council members know, perhaps in response 
>to this message.
>ps. Council members:  I would like to be included in the drafting 
>team if possible.
>Begin forwarded message:
>>From: "Gomes, Chuck" <<mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]>
>>Date: 31 January 2010 10:06:03 EST
>>To: "GNSO Council List" 
>><<mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]>
>>Subject: [council] Volunteers for Charter Drafting Team for 
>>Vertical Integration PDP
>>In follow-up to Council approval to initiate a Vertical Integration 
>>PDP and specifically the action item to form a drafting team to 
>>develop a charter for that PDP, I am hereby requesting volunteers 
>>for the DT.  Volunteers need not be Councilors.
>>If you or someone in your SG/Constituency/AC want to volunteer for 
>>this WT, please respond on this list not later than 9 February.