Hi Kathy,

Congrats on the .org position, that's excellent (as is the ENIAC project...just read through the site, didn't know about this side of you).  As for being in two constituencies though, while voting would be inappropriate,  IMO anyway there's no reason for you to just disappear from the NCUC community and its activities.  As a founder and long time activist in NCUC, people know where your head's at, and if we are discussing/doing something where your employer's positions are a relevant constraint you could simply make note of that, specify whether you're speaking personally or as a .org person, or recuse yourself, whatever as appropriate.  One might add that being connected to/sympatico with more than one constituency is hardly unique; we just discussed this in the council drafting team on the AoC review teams and there are others in that boat, which is why we adopted a procedure under which applicants seeking GNSO endorsement are encouraged to self-identify with any SG / constituency "with which they feel most closely affiliated."  All of which is to say, don't be a stranger :-)



On Feb 23, 2010, at 1:00 AM, Kathy Kleiman wrote:

Dear All,

In 1999, we met in Santiago and formed the Noncommercial Domain Holders Constituency – which became NCUC  (remember Milton?).  It was a wonderful and diverse crowd then – and it has become an even more wonderful and diverse crowd. I have learned so much from you – and enjoyed so much being with you.

I am here to submit my resignation from NCUC –with a sigh and a smile. Today is my first day as Director of Policy for .ORG, the Public Interest Registry.  PIR is a company filled with wonderful people, and dedicated to its motto of “Do Good” - in .ORG, in ICANN and among the Internet community.  I am looking forward to my job of developing policy with Alexa Raad, PIR CEO, and everyone in PIR.

When I drafted the NCUC charter years ago, I asked that people not be voting members of two constituencies. It seemed fair, and right, to focus energy on one primary constituency.  It is the principle I follow now as I move to join PIR in the Registry Constituency.

But I am not gone. I hope you will invite me back to NCUC meetings. I can’t wait to share with you what we are working on – and learn what you are working on. I know our work together will continue now, and in the future!

So off to the Contracted Parties Stakeholder Group I go – with the very best of wishes, hopes and admiration for all of you – and for NCUC!

All the best,


p.s. Now at [log in to unmask]

p.p.s. Today’s PIR blog posting on my arrival is at http://blog.pir.org/?p=554