A pity to see Raimundo Beca go,  he was a friendly and inter alia helpful to us with NCSG formation;  a number of us wrote endorsements for his reelection.  At the same time, Kuo-Wei Wu's a good guy with whom I'd expect we also will be able to work well. 

I wonder how this will play in China...


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Bruce Tonkin" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: March 23, 2010 1:02:42 AM GMT-03:00
To: "GNSO Council " <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [council] New ICANN Board member - starting 30 April 2010- Mr Kuo-Wei Wu

Hello All,

The ASO has announced that that Mr. Kuo-Wei Wu has been elected by the
Address Council to fill Seat Number 10 on the ICANN Board.

rd/ ).

I see that Mr Kuo-Wei Wu - has experience across ccTLDs (board member of
.tw), gTLDs (Board member of .org), and IP addresses (member of
Executive Council of APNIC).  He has the full set :-)

Below is a short biography.

Bruce Tonkin



Short biography

Mr. Kuo-Wei Wu has technical, management and policy experience in
Internet-related industry.

He is the co-founders of TWNIC (.tw operator), APTLD, CDNC (Chinese
Domain Name Consortium). He is currently board member of TWNIC (2000 ~
now), APIA (Asia Pacific Internet Association, 2008~2010) and PIR (.org
operator, 2009~2011), and EC of APNIC (1999~now), TWIA (Taiwan Internet
Association, 2008~2010), and COSA (Chinese Open System Association,
1995~now). He has experience in supervision, financial, and governance.

In regard to Internet-related management, Mr. Wu was the deputy director
of NCHC (National Center for High-Performance Computing) from 1990~1998,
where he was responsible for TANET (Taiwan Academic Network) backbone
operation to serve all the universities, research institutions in Taiwan
and a staff of over 120 people. He is the co-founder of Asia Pacific
Supercomputer Center Consortium (HPC Asia) to lead the experience
sharing over ten Asia Pacific Supercomputer Centers.

He started Internet-related works since he worked for Cray Research,
Inc. (1984~1990), and a vice-president of Yam Digital, Inc. (One of the
leading Internet Portal in Taiwan). When he was a vice-president of
Acer, Inc.. he lead the Internet service business for Acer, Inc.
(2000~2004). He actively involved in ICANN activities (GAC, ALS, ccNSO,
ASO) since 1999 til now. He also actively participated UN/WSIS
(2004~2005), and UN/IGF (2006~2009).

He is the CEO of NIIEPA (2004~now) - a non-profit organization in
Taiwan. NIIEPA provide research and consultant services in Internet
policy and Information security for government, research institutions,
universities, and industry.

Mr. Wu holds a mathematics BSc degree from Tunghai University (Taiwan,
1975), a MSc degree in Mathematics from University of Cincinnati (Ohio,
USA, 1980), and MSc degree in Computer Science from Columbia University
(NYC, 1982).

William J. Drake  
Senior Associate
Centre for International Governance
Graduate Institute of International and
  Development Studies
Geneva, Switzerland