
Attached please find the latest draft of the proposed update to the NCSG charter.  It is hoped that this can be finalized and sent to the ICANN Board and its Structural Improvement Committee in time for approval before the meeting in Brussels concludes. The schedule is tight.

I have scheduled an open review by all NCSG/NCUC members to last until 8 May 2010.  If there are changes recommended by the members of NCSG during this time that appear to have strong support, an intermediate version with those changes will be released for further review.  

After the review period ends, a final draft will be released.

During week 19 (9-15 May), a vote on that final draft of of the charter will be initiated.  This vote will be scheduled to last 10 days  (specific dates yet to be announced).  In order to be approved, it will be necessary for the charter to receive 60% of the member vote in favor of sending the charter on for approval by the Board.

