Thanks Avri, please can a NCSG councilor second the motion that I submitted for the JAS,


------Original Message------
From: Avri Doria
To: NCUC Members List
Cc: NCSG-Policy
Subject: [ncsg-policy] Next Open Policy discussion meeting - 21 May 2100 UTC
Sent: May 14, 2010 14:54

Just a reminder.

There will be a open meeting to discuss the policy issues current before the GNSO council.

Meeting details will be found at:

Apologies for the time, the group discussed and decided at the last meeting to stick with the time for the meeting until the Brussels meeting as the meeting facilities had already been reserved.  The meeting will focus on the items on the GNSO agenda as well as any other current policy items.  

The GNSO agenda can be found at:
Motions at:

Please let me know of any topics you would like to see on the agenda.



Please remember to vote in the Charter vote if you have not done so yet.  Thanks to all who have done so already.

BlackBerry from DOCOMO