
Thanks to Rosemary for her comments, I just want to comment that one at 3.1 NCSG Allocation.:
"We might need a “where possible” here…..remembering experience with Review Team nominees process"
the RT is not the suitable example, because we had the CSG having many applicants and I guess that since the "diversity" within that SG, we had all those Americans applicants except one from Europe. I am not in favor in relaxing requirement of geographical diversity (I hope that we can add the gender diversity requirement too) .



2010/5/3 Avri Doria <[log in to unmask]>

I have read through your extensive edits and on first reading, I have a question and a comment:

- the question:  I do not understand why you have highlighted section in yellow.  do you mean that the charter should have these things highlighted.

- On the question of constituencies.

The board has already approved two Stakeholder Groups charters that do not have constituencies.    As I understood our conversations with the SIC and the Board they are not requiring constituencies so long as we have a clear charter and we explain the decisions we have made.    This is the purpose of the cover letter which is still being worked.

Yours is the first call I have seen from within the NCSG for us to continue with formal constituencies and I do not know if there is any other support for it with the NCSG membership.

At this point unless I see strong support from the members, I do not think it is something we should change.

I will look through the rest of your proposed edits in detail.


On 2 May 2010, at 22:31, Rosemary Sinclair wrote:

> Hi Avri and everyone
> Some thoughts for discussion
> Cheers
> Rosemary
> Rosemary Sinclair
> Managing Director, ATUG
> Chairman, INTUG
> T: +61 2 94958901  F: +61 2 94193889
> M: +61 413734490
> Email: [log in to unmask]
> Skype: rasinclair