
Begin forwarded message:

>   ** Tuesday 7 September at 18:00 UTC

All NCSG members are invited and encouraged to attend - especially the Council members.

Dialin details to be found on  Those needing to be called need to inform Robin. I am not sure I can make the meeting but will try.  I have asked Robin/Rosemary to take it if it is  possible for them.

1. Discuss issues from GNSO Council agenda

Council members are asked to send the list specific issues of concern/question before the meeting if possible.

2. Charter discussion

I think the Board and I are close to agreement at this point.
Please give it a read -  you can also use the comparison capability to compare the first one in the tree with the last - that will give the changes since the Charter we approved.  Most of the recent changes have been details and involved crossing a lot of i's and dotting a lots of t's.

Once the Board members in this sub-team are comfortable, they are planning to move it forward , I believe - as our October target for approval is coming up. I need to make sure it is something the NCSG can accept.  

I expect that even if I can't make the beginning of the meeting I can make the end.  
But if for reason I can't, I will listen to the recording.

the list is a good place to discuss it as well.

3. AOB