I support KK nomination


Marcelo Fernandes
Fishy | [log in to unmask]

+55 81 3325-9389
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Em 12/10/2010, às 02:02, Robin Gross <[log in to unmask]> escreveu:

I'd like to nominate Konstantinos Komaitis to be the next chair of NCUC.

As you know, my term as chair ends in Cartagena in December and I'd like to leave it knowing that the constituency will be in good hands - as I believe it would be with Konstantinos as the next chair.  

KK has served this constituency with distinction over the last several years - especially his contributions on GNSO Special Trademark Interest (STI) team and the MAPO cross-constituency work teams.  And KK has demonstrated leadership within NCUC and that is exactly what we need to grow - new members continually rising up in the ranks to replace us old-timers.   But I'm not leaving, just making room for more people.  

I hope KK will accept my nomination of him to be the next chair of NCUC.


Robin Gross, Executive Director
1192 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA  94117  USA
p: +1-415-553-6261    f: +1-415-462-6451