Dear all,

Members from the At-Large community who also participated in the new gtld Cross-Community Working Group on Rec. 6 have drafted an excellent statement that describes well how the latest version of the Draft Applicant Guidebook takes steps backwards on accountability and curbing abuse in the new gtld process.  Drafted by Evan Leibovitch, the response mirrors my own disappointment since the cross-community group submitted it's recommendations, only to have them tossed out by ICANN staffboard.

Draft At-Large statement at:

"The At-Large Advisory Committee is extremely disappointed by the latest release of the Proposed Final Applicant Guidebook of November 12, 2010 (PAG). In significant ways its changes reflect a deliberate step backwards, away from transparency and accountability, and towards secrecy and arbitrary action. Even more importantly, the new guidebook fails at any more than cosmetic accommodation of critical, Board-mandated policy work undertaken by ICANN's grass-roots community.

The At-Large Community, in this response, has chosen to focus on the three most substantive and regressive issues which requite our greatest attention. ..."

Read full response at:

Robin Gross, Executive Director
1192 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA  94117  USA
p: +1-415-553-6261    f: +1-415-462-6451
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