Good reminder Avri, done.


Nuno Garcia


Nuno M. GarciaPh.D
Professor Auxiliar Convidado
Invited Assistant Professor

Universidade da Beira Interior 
Faculdade de Engenharia
Departamento de Informática

University of Beira Interior
Faculty of Engineering
Computer Science Department

Av. Marquês d'Ávila e Bolama
6200-001 Covilhã

tel.: +351 275 319 891 ext. 3339
fax: +351 275 319 899 

mobile: +351 912 552 009
Skype: nunomgarcia

On 2 November 2010 17:40, InternationalParents <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi Avri,

Sorry, its been done now! Thanks for reminding us.


Le 2 nov. 10 à 16:41, Avri Doria a écrit :


Voting for NCSG  council seats and for NCUC officers has been going on for several days now and only 30 of 220 votes have been submitted.

Please vote.

It is a good habit to get into.  And it shows that there is a SG group and a Constituency that actually cares and pays attention to all of this.

And hopefully, NCSG will have a charter to vote on someday where we will need to have 2/3 of you all vote again, so the practice is needed.

You should all have received ballots from [log in to unmask].  If not, please let Robin and I know so we can get it fixed, although please check you spam etc filters first.

So please, vote!

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