Dear Nuno,

Maybe not, but I do think your views that one should not take a moral stand on pornography or anything else are- 

and you in all honesty allude to that-  tainted by who you are, and probably by the fact you're a man.

You don't feel it in your guts like I may, as a woman, that it actually is a violation of the bill of rights the way women ( AND MEN actually!) 

are treated and portrayed in pornographic material and the impact such material has on those viewing it,

especially those with psychological difficulties, not to mention kids!

At some point, not seeing it as a problem that this material is freely accessible to anyone in the name of ' moral neutrality' is equal to 

endorsing free access to this controversial material.

> Pretending domain names do NOT have a moral, political and sociological impact is akin to digging your head in the sand.

> Pretending education will suffice to offset this unlimited freedom of publishing online material is naive. 

Otherwise why not give us all guns to defend ourselves, just in case,  and just educate us all NOT to use them to kill 

those we dont get along with?

I feel there should be a .xxx extension, and that all porn should be made to use that and only that, by law, 

just the way this material is not accessible to all in the physical world.

Make the techies make that possible, dont let them tell us it's not " technically feasible" just because they dont care about

controling access to it.



Le 14 janv. 11 à 10:49, Nuno Garcia a écrit :

I hope that in the end I do not sound like a Hulstler or Playboy stockholder or subscriber (I am neither of these), but this is really what I believe in, and probably my opinion is relevant for the mailing list. 

On 14 January 2011 03:00, Dwi Elfrida Martina S <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
hi rudy,


I agree with you, there is no country who already TOTALLY success to do
process 'filter'. But, still we have to do our best to place "pornography"
in good order, means there is certain regulation, term & condition. so, we
can protect country from decreasing of morality:)

As I think we have made clear from previous statements, Morality (as well as public order) ARE NOT an issue that concerns this constituency and these considerations should therefore be left out of discussion and encouraged to be left of all the discussions in ICANN.

(long parenthesis: I'm sure Dwi was formulating a wish for its own country, and it this case, it's perfectly ok to do so. I must recall the list that Morality is an extremelly complex issue, much more than paedophilia, which is generally defined as crime in most western and southern countries, but, in contrast, it is indulged by some other countries (e.g. asian), and was not at all a crime before 1950 in most of the countries I know. When these issues dig deep in our cultural backgrounds and in our religious or belief points of view, it is best to rely on the system of values that we know is transversal to all Mankind and are best described in the Charter for Human Rights, that I think best summarizes the values we must guide for. End of long parenthesis.) 

In conclusion, and having the Charter for Human Rights as a working bench, I say that the arguments for discussing this or that issue (but not for the .XXX which is long due), should never be issues on liberty, or censorship, let alone competencies or policies for governments. 

We, as an informed and knowledgeable community, must put forward our opinions having in view the larger and greater good of our fellow Internet users, oblivious to where they sit in working days or in holidays or in Holy days. All of us deserve an Internet that _does_ _not_ _limit_ our rights as persons and promotes the values engraved in the Charter for Human Rights.

We cannot say much regarding the different civilizational issues of different countries. For me, I know that in my country we still have a long way to go. But this is my belief, probably some of my fellow citizens do not agree with me, and therefore this is not an issue to discuss here.

I have the greatest of respects for all cultures, religions and civilizations, and I try hard to not let my personal beliefs to stand in the way of my professional beliefs, so I expect others to do the same.

Of course, I stand perfectly aware that, as Ortega y Gasset once said, I am myself and my circumstance, and thus my points of view will always be tainted by the fact that I was born and raised here.

So to conclude, for me the purpose of this constituency is not to place pornography or capitalism or comunism or _______ (fill in with you word of choice) into order. 

It is to make sure that we provide ICANN with valueable and wise opinions. And we should do our best to do so. For our own good and the benefit of all mankind.

I leave you all with two thoughts, one from Ben Franklin who once said "He who gives up a liberty to achieve a temporary security deserves neither and will loose both" (and there are plenty of historical examples of this), and the other, from a greek philosopher whose name I cannot remember "the best way to prevent a damage to society is to educate the children".

With my personal and sincere excuses if my points of view have offended anyone (was not my intention), I wish you all a nice week end,

Nuno Garcia - Bilingual online community in San Francisco

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