Actually I was wrong, I did not lose the earlier responses, they just need to be augmented with the new info.

just go to the bottom and edit your entry.  i think that works.


On 4 Jan 2011, at 05:33, Cedric Laurant wrote:

> Can times be set up on Saturdays or Sundays for some of the conference calls? Or also after 7-8pm CET/GMT+1?
> Cedric
> ---
>> Hi,
>> I have set up a doodle trying to find a time for our next three meetings. 12 Jan and 3, 4 Feb.
>> There are NO good world wide times, so the idea is pain sharing. I plan to take the top 3 times (as long as they have some positive votes) and schedule the 3 upcoming meetings for those times. I have used the 12th, and will schedule that meeting for the most popular time. Assuming there are two other times that have some positive votes, will try to schedule 2,23 Feb for the less popular times."
>> Please try to stretch in terms of the times when you might be able to attend.  The more people who attend, the better the discussion of policy direction can be.  I am hoping that we can have a majority of the council members at the meeting no matter what time we end up selecting.
>> thanks
>> a.
> --