
I was realizing lately that Rec3 has pretty much only been used by in the sense of 'protect intellectual property.'
But as the text quoted below says, it includes reference to the binding rights enumerated in the ICCPR, which I think most every nation in GAC has signed (I wonder if there are non signatories in GAC - will check)


Strings must not infringe the existing legal rights of others that are recognized or enforceable under generally accepted and internationally recognized principles of law.

Examples of these legal rights that are internationally recognized include, but are not limited to, rights defined in the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industry Property (in particular trademark rights), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) (in particular freedom of expression rights).

end quote

Another way of looking at this is that in the response to USG it might be worth hinging some of the arguments on the contents of the ICCPR.



The forgotten, but binding, covenant:
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights


Avri Doria
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