Yes we knew that, but Rudi already pointed out elsewhere that 'normal' in this case does not appear to include video. 


On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 1:50 AM, Adam Peake <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Seems ICANN will arrange the usual remote access <>

... "Similarly, ICANN¹s meeting team has been working hard on ensuring that, logistically, we have a meeting that is accessible not only to those participating, but also for those interested members of the community either in person or through the normal channels of remote participation that we provide at an ICANN meeting."


If access is allowed I'll try at least to stream, but it is not sure that an internet connection will be available. As soon as I have more details( i'll try to catch people at the ICANN Brussels office) I will be back to you.

Best regards,

Rudi Vansnick

President - CEO
‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹ Internet Society Belgium  ‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹
President - CEO                      Tel +32/(0)9/329.39.16
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]  Mobile +32/(0)475/28.16.32

Dendermondesteenweg 143        B-9070 Destelbergen  BELGIUM
<> "The Internet is for everyone"


Op 16-feb-2011 7, om 05:56 heeft Joly MacFie het volgende geschreven:

I am hoping I can persuade Olivier or Rudi to stream video out to the ISOC Chapters livestream channel. Haven't approached them yet.


On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 11:15 PM, Avri Doria <<mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I had heard a few days ago that there wasn't enough space for all of us.
Now there is.
I think this is great on staff's part.


Begin forwarded message:

 From: "Bruce Tonkin" <<mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]>

 Date: 15 February 2011 22:04:59 EST
 To: <<mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]>

 Subject: [council] Regarding space for observers at the GAC-Board Consultation

 From:  <>

 GAC-Board Consultation - Announcement Update

 Arrangements are being finalized for the GAC-Board consultation to be
 held in Brussels on 28 February and 1 March 2011.

 As previously advised, the venue for this consultation will be at The
 Square Brussels Meeting Centre in Room 400.  This room will provide
 classroom style seating for the GAC and Board members, and there will be
 theatre style seating provided for those people who responded to the
 RSVP posted on 2 February 2011.  Individual emails will be sent to all
 those who responded to the RSVP to confirm attendance.  As the current
 combined attendance numbers are close to capacity for the seating
 allocated we are unable to extend an invitation for additional
 attendance from interested community members.

 The agenda and format for proceedings is still being finalized. It is
 the intention to publish the agenda before the meeting, along with
 briefing papers on the agreed topics for discussion. This will be done
 as a separate announcement.

 Remote participation will be available through adobe connect and the
 link and other relevant details will be provided closer to the

Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 <Skype:punkcast>Skype:punkcast
WWWhatsup NYC - <>
 <> - <>
 VP (Admin) - ISOC-NY - <>

Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast
WWWhatsup NYC - -
  VP (Admin) - ISOC-NY -