Dear all,

The Nominating Committee (on which I'm the current noncommercial appointee)
 will hold a roundtable meeting with the community next week in San
Francisco. The roundtable will be a moderated discussion between NomCom
members and the community: ccNSO, GNSO stakeholders, ALAC, Board, ASO etc.
Alejandro Pisanty has kindly agreed to act as moderator.

The NomCom Chair, Adam Peake, has invited 3 people from the non-commercial
group to the session. Are there any volunteers who'll be in SF?

It's an open meeting in any case, so there is of course room for more

The goal is to inform the community about what we on the NomCom have been
doing and how we go about our work, and to take comment on that. And to
listen to comments/discussion about candidate qualities, about ICANN's needs
etc. And then use the closing minutes to seek help with our outreach.

Details are: Wednesday, 16 March 2011 at 2:00pm - 3:30pm (

All the best, Maria