
> -----Original Message-----

> 1.2	Mission
> The intended purpose of the Consumers Constituency is to serve as the
> conduit for consumer interests as they relate to the Internet and
> defined within the scope of ICANN.  The major areas of consumer interest
> are fraud, spam, phishing, identity theft, and privacy [defined within
> the ICANN scope as registration abuse, safety, and stability]; WHOIS;
> the Registrar Accreditation Agreement and the behavior of registrars,
> registries, resellers, domainers and other entities [defined within
> ICANN's scope as "compliance"]; and new gTLDs.  The focus of the
> Consumers Constituency will be to ensure that consumers' safety,
> security, stability, usability, access, and other appropriate concerns
> regarding the DNS are adequately represented within ICANN policy
> development.

 [Milton L Mueller] What you have here is a set of issue-concerns. There is no need for a separate organizational silo called a "constituency" to pursue these concerns. Indeed, because the GNSO is currently divided into Commercial and Noncommercial SGs, and these issue-concerns span both commercial and noncommercial stakeholders, the idea of a constituency is actually a counterproductive way to pursue those concerns. 

Please explain to me what you can do as a constituency that you can't do as an organized/mobilized group of people that spans ALAC, NCSG and CSG.