I've posted video of last Wednesday's 'Master of Your Domain' conference in NYC.


There's a couple of segments missing at the end including Q&A as I am waiting on a transcription from Tony Kirsch from ausregistry. They'll be added later in the week.

There's a brief summary here http://ibreakfast.blogspot.com/2011/08/esther-dyson-stands-her-ground-at-new.html

Apart from Esther Dyson throwing icy water on the whole concept, the most notable comment was Mike Davies from Verisign saying that they anticipate 1500 applications, 1000 of which will be for dot brands, and that it will be 3-5 years before the second round. Ken Hansen of Neustar said they are offering to park TLDs for 10k/yr.

Edmon Chung of dot asia gave an excellent all round presentation. 

I regret not asking about WHOIS  when they talked about .canon's plans to give a second level to every customer..


Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast
WWWhatsup NYC - http://wwwhatsup.com
 http://pinstand.com - http://punkcast.com
 VP (Admin) - ISOC-NY - http://isoc-ny.org