
I listened to the audio of yesterday's GNSO Council call and was surprised that you broke with all the NCSG GNSO Councilors and instead voted with the Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC) against Motion 3 which deals with providing law enforcement assistance on addressing criminal activity (at about 1 hr).  The IPC stated it would vote against the motion because it did not give law enforcement enough of what it wanted (i.e. it was "too soft" and didn't collect enough info on people).  

Would you be willing to explain to the NCSG why you voted with the IPC instead of the NCSG (and the rest of the GNSO Council) on this issue (Motion 3) in yesterday's GNSO Council Meeting?

Thank you,

Please find the MP3 recording of the GNSO Council teleconference, held on Thursday, 6 October 2011 at:
on page

Agenda Item 5: Law Enforcement assistance on addressing criminal activity (10 minutes)

A motion is being made to recommend action by the ICANN Board with regards to addressing Internet-based criminal activity.

Motion deferred from 22 September Council meeting

Refer to motion: 3

5.1 Reading of the motion (Tim Ruiz)
5.2 Discussion

5.3 Vote

Robin Gross, Executive Director
1192 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA  94117  USA
p: +1-415-553-6261    f: +1-415-462-6451
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