On 15 Nov 2011, at 11:42, Milton L Mueller wrote:

> 2.       During that period, Avri and I were appointed to the first NCSG EC, and later Avri was agreed as Chair of the NCSG EC. Here is the key fact: The procedure we used to appoint Avri and I were EXACTLY THE SAME as those used to appoint the current NCUC appointees: namely, deliberations among the NCUC Executive Committee, which consists of regional reps elected by the membership. There is no difference in the procedures. So I can understand why Konstantinos feels hurt and incredulous about the current situation.

My point is that I see no evidence, or record in the archive of that discussion with the NCUC Executive Committee.  That is what I wanted to bring to light to make sure it never happened again.

There is no record at all for 2009/2010 when you and I were appointed, at which time I think the Robin was still chair  and in the record that exists for 2011, I find no discussion of the NCSG roles at all.

So, it is possible that these discussions happened off line, but in talking to several NCUC EC members I find that this was probably not the case either.  Thus my conclusion that the NCUC chair, and possibly a few friends, took it upon themselves to make the appointments as they saw fit with no authority of record.  I am sorry the Konstantios is hurt, but his actions as a leader of the NCUC need to become transparent and accountable.  

> . I don’t see a reason for the drama here.

The reason for drama?  Well as far as I am concerned, I did not start drama but rather brought an issue to the general NCUC of transparency and distribution of officer roles that I should be discussed in the clear light of day. 

The drama came in in the instant recriminations and circling of wagons.  The reason for making the problem transparent was not to change the past as I tried to make clear, but to:

a.  make sure that it never happened agai
b. make sure we questioned candidates in the upcoming election about their plans to make the NCUC EC and Chair role transparent.

