Dear NCSG colleagues,

I'm sorry but I had to drop off our monthly call, as luck would have it, just minutes before my slot at the very end. Here is a quick update on all things NomCom. Please feel free to fire questions or suggestions via the list.

NomCom 2012 has just started with its new Chair, Vanda Scartezini. The new system has the next two chairs appointed by a Board subcommittee every second year, so the chair elect of the 2013 committee, Rob Hall, is also on this year's committee (nonvoting). 

The committee page has not yet been updated, but it should be very soon, so check back there for dates of applications, committee membership, etc.  Also, we've decided to continue the idea of nomcom having its own blog; This'll be the permanent address, rather than a new blog for each year. 

Some work is also being done on updating the way we ask people to apply - see Vanda's email to this group, via Konstantinos, last week. 

This year's nomcom has the following positions to fill:

3 Board seats, of which at least one must be from Latin America / Caribbean (that can be fulfilled via re-appointment of an expiring nomcom appointee). To see who's on the Board & by which selection method:


2 ALAC - one European and one North American. 

1 ccNSO

I have 2 roles on the nomcom - as does everyone else on it: recruitment and selection. Lots of people think all nomcom does is select from the individuals who apply. But actually, the recruiting phase is the most important as that's how we ensure as big a possible pool of well-qualified candidates. 

So, here's the 'call to action'. Can you please think about people in your networks who would be great for the positions above? One thing that is really critical for me is to have senior nonprofit people applying for Board positions. If they don't apply, they can't be chosen. 

A message that the past couple of nomcoms have been given from various people in the community is that we need to have Board directors who have experience in large, international organisations. (I believe we need a lot of different types of people on the Board, but it's true that nomcom can provide people who wouldn't otherwise find their way there.) I really hope NCSG people can beat the bushes and encourage impressive candidates to apply. 

On the GNSO side, I think the biggest challenge is to find people who are knowledgeable or at least skillful and can hit the ground running, but are not tied into one of the interest groups there already, upsetting the balance of power. This is incredibly hard to find, but it's our job, so please think of people who may fit the bill. 

I don't have anything particularly useful to add on what is needed for ccNSO and ALAC, other than what I've been told; people who can rub along well and, above all, who can draft and do constructive committee work. 

If you think of someone, feel free to encourage them to email me for more information or to send them to the official NomCom ICANN page or Nomcom blog.

Finally... if you are going to an event or conference where there may be good potential candidates for this year's positions, we can get you some flyers and bookmarks / business cards with summary info you can hand out to people. Just let me know and I will help to get it organised.

All the best, Maria