Dear all,

As you all know by now there is a great discussion taking place regarding the recent US legislative approaches regarding PIPA/SOPA. At yesterday's policy call, some members of NCUC suggested it would be great if NCUC were to join all the bodies -  international organizations and institutions, individuals, civil society and academics – against these horrible copyright protection.

Both Bills are meant to go for mark-up tomorrow, so there was no time for the letter to be put before the whole list. The letter – attached -  has been drafted and ratified by both the NCUC EC and PC and was just sent; it reiterates the arguments already submitted and presented.



Dr. Konstantinos Komaitis,
Senior Lecturer in Law,
Director of LLM in Information Technology and Telems. Law,
Director of Postgraduate Instructional Courses,
University of Strathclyde,
Graham Hills Bld.
50 George Street,
Glasgow, G1 1BA,
tel: +44 (0)141 548 4306
email: [log in to unmask]