On 20 Dec 2011, at 17:00, Joy Liddicoat wrote:

>  but I hope that NPOC members do not feel they need to have an agreed “position” before providing input – this is an open dialogue to which all NCSG members are free to contribute.

I am glad you said that.  I think that while constituency positions are important, it is in the nature of NCSG that each member of a constituency is first a member of NCSG, and would be a member of the NCSG even if they quit being a member of any constituency. Members of this stakeholder group are members of NCSG first and members of a constituency second, third and fourth.  And for some of our members, being a member of the NCSG is sufficient, they do not belong to constituencies.  I expect this class of members will grow over time.

This make the NCSG list a rich space were opinions that may not fit the consensus process on one or another constituency can still be expressed as the viewpoint of an NCSG member.  I think that is important.
