If all the technical and practical reasons fail to sway a pro-SOPA
Congressman and Congresswoman, please feel free to mention the one thing
they do understand - votes. Remember that most of them couldn't tell you
what DNS stands for, let alone how the process would alter the
functionality of the Internet,

In the election year when there is an expectation of a  high turnout of
Democrats to re-elect Obama, there is a growing movement amongst some
younger demographics to make SOPA a "stand-alone" reason to vote
for/against someone. ie. Did you vote for SOPA? If so, you are not getting
my vote. With congressional approval at record-lows, their position on SOPA
might cost them their seat on the Hill.

Also throw in the fact that Comcast announced today that an upgrade on
their network makes it impossible for them to actually implement DNS


Ironic considering Comcast is a big supporter of SOPA...

So they would be voting for something that doesn't work and they might lose
their seats because of it....


Its a practical argument to go alongside all the technical ones.

Kind regards,

Mark Leiser

145 Kilmarnock Road
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On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 6:11 PM, Katitza Rodriguez <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> may be of interest,
> https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/**2011/12/sopa-undermines-**
> united-states-oecd-**negotiations-free-open-**internet<https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2011/12/sopa-undermines-united-states-oecd-negotiations-free-open-internet>
> On 1/12/12 10:06 AM, Marc Perkel wrote:
>> Unfortunately I'm not the biggest checkbook in the room.
>> On 1/12/2012 9:39 AM, Jorge Amodio wrote:
>>> The most compelling argument legislators understand is "If you support
>>> SOPA, me and all my family, friends and enemies wont vote ever for
>>> you.".
>>> Or in some other instances "What is the amount I've to put on the check?"
>>> -J
>>> On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Marc Perkel<[log in to unmask]**org<[log in to unmask]>>
>>>  wrote:
>>>> In 2 hours I'm going to see two congress critters. Nancy Pelosi and Mike
>>>> Honda at a fundraiser in Palo Alto.
>>>> What is the most effective argument I can make to these people that will
>>>> result in changing their minds?
> --
> Katitza Rodriguez
> International Rights Director
> Electronic Frontier Foundation
> [log in to unmask]
> [log in to unmask] (personal email)
> Please support EFF - Working to protect your digital rights and freedom of
> speech since 1990