I'm not sure how it is in Kenya, but doesn't the head of the Red Cross in the USA make an unconscionably high salary? I read it was upwards of half a million US dollars per year. When I read that, I vowed to be more careful about donating to disaster relief fundraisers and all charities that cannot be monitored or accountable penny for penny.

Sometimes I feel like it's a huge scam.
Haiti. Katrina. ASPCA. Etc.

Unless my donations are going from my hand (or perhaps from a close friend or another family member's hand on the ground) directly to the mouths of the needy, then tragedies of waste such as this can certainly be avoided.

Too bad...

On Jan 12, 2012 8:24 PM, "Alex Gakuru" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 1:37 AM, warigia bowman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Yes, except the cu...

Yeah right! But be sure not to tarnish the "very reputable organisation" on a blog post. DO NOT include adverse links to such a post - because if you do? And SOPA/PIPA pass, your entire blog site could be pulled down after they complain to the "relevant online Copyright/IP Authorities." So much free speech to expose basic human rights (food, clothes and shelter) injustices going forward, right?

> On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 4:35 PM, Sarah El Ebiary <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Popul...

>>> This is crazy. Why do you think this happened?

My guess is as good as anyone's. Maybe the local initiative's success threatened their foodchain? Global fundraising system? Hence KILL! future prospects of all such local initiatives likes of: (re: http://www.the-star.co.ke/national/national/34256-kenyans4kenyans-kitty-raises-over-sh81million ) ? That disrupt precious dollars from out there from percolating through an otherwise "properly established system"? Collected putting up an 'angelic' face as a tool to demand special protections by *everyone* (including on icann policies)? To put brakes on emergent, terrible, "Kenyans4Kenyans" model that diminishes their longstanding, global established brand as "the only ones who truly care" impression? Maybe the starving do not live at the NGO's "politically correct" dry Northern Kenya areas? Or releasing the food to the starving would have meant the problem is REALLY  getting solved therefore Kenyan could stop giving more food, more money? I have no idea what on earth motivated them to do such inhuman acts, but you bet we're pissed off with Red Cross!

Today is among the worst days for *anyone* to dare shower Red Cross with traditional praises over here.