On 22 Jan 2012, at 06:09, Konstantinos Komaitis wrote:

> These are all great observations and thanks for bringing them forward. I also agree with  Avri, Kathy, Marc and others.
> Would it be possible for someone who has already contributed to this list to also write a brief statement and send it to the list for endorsement? It would be ideal if it could be a NCSG statement, but in any case it looks like it can be a NCUC one.

I am willing to work on one with others.  Perhaps someone can start by collecting the contents into an etherpad of some politically acceptable kind <http://etherpad.org/public-sites/>  (speaking of which, do any of the members host an etherpad?)

With 10 Feb being the deadline for submission, when would such a draft need to be available for the NC-membership review in order to not need a last minute heroic effort from one of the NCstewards..
