2012/2/3 Konstantinos Komaitis <[log in to unmask]>

> I totally agree with you Avri - however, there is this idea that we need
> to 'please' the GAC, which I totally don't get, but yet again we appear to
> be the minority.

That depends upon how you count ;-)

At very least the appeasement of just one stakeholder group at the expense
of the interests of others goes against the foundations very foundations of
the MSM.

Indeed, the cynics amongst us could (and I've certainly heard my share
within At-Large) that the multi-stakeholder model is a nice theory that
plays well in press releases and congressional testimony, but is overridden
at will when politically expedient. And as Avri has correctly stated, such
subversion doesn't even require a formal intervention.

If there is interest in joint NC / AtLarge pushback I'll certainly help
advance the idea.

- Evan