That might be a more politically correct way to ask the question. I don't know what the answer is or should be. I just know that ICANN needs to start talking about the subject instead of dancing around it. If we ignore the perception that the US controls the Internet someone else will use that point to forcibly take control and ICANN will have no input into how it is done. The subject needs to see the light of day. It is not going away no matter how much we wish it would.

Kerry Brown

From: Nicolas Adam [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: February-22-12 4:06 PM
To: Kerry Brown
Cc: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [NCSG-Discuss] Fwd: Confirming Meeting with the Board - Tuesday 13 March - 3:30pm

IMO, yes ICANN need to take its distance from US jurisdiction. But an inter-national jurisdiction is not a good idea.

ICANN's legitimacy hinge on users (writ large, commercial and non, contracted and non) and it should definitely stress its non inter-national foundations, as well as its non-international plans for the future, early and often.

Asking the inter-national question just embarrass ICANN as an org, and it doesn't help it strengthen its *global* foundation.

May be I would ask if there are plans to address the perception that US has final jurisdiction (implying it does not) in order to populate the "authority/foundation by announcement" space in a manner that is most conducive to ICANN's perrenity (as beholden to all its stakeholders/communities)?


On 2/22/2012 4:39 PM, Kerry Brown wrote:
One question I'd like to see is: "Are there any plans to make ICANN more of an international organisation that is not beholden to or restricted by the laws of any one country?" Your proposed topic possibly hints at this. Why not just come out and ask it so it is on the table for discussion. I don't really expect we'd get a serious or full answer but it would get the subject out there. If ICANN doesn't start planning to make a move toward being a truly international organisation it will happen in an unplanned, possibly very destructive way whether we like it or not. It's something we all need to start talking about.

Kerry Brown

From: NCSG-Discuss [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Robin Gross
Sent: February-22-12 1:07 PM
To: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [NCSG-Discuss] Fwd: Confirming Meeting with the Board - Tuesday 13 March - 3:30pm

NCSG has the opportunity to meet with the ICANN Board of Directors in Costa Rica.   We need to identify the 3 topics / questions that we are most interested in discussing with the Board during our hour with them.

One possible topic I'd like to suggest is ICANN's importance in defending the multi-stakeholder model of governance.  We've seen a lot of pressure from governments recently to exert more control on the Internet and on ICANN policymaking activities.  It might be good to reiterate to the board that we support multi-stakeholderism in which civil society is an equal participant to business and government in policymaking and that ICANN can lead to defend this private-sector led governance model.

What do others think?  We should come up a top 3 list to propose to the board by 2 March.

Thank you,

Begin forwarded message:

From: Diane Schroeder <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Date: February 22, 2012 12:27:58 PM PST
To: Robin Gross <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Cc: Glen de Saint Géry <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>, David Olive <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Subject: Confirming Meeting with the Board - Tuesday 13 March - 3:30pm

Dear Robin  -  this will confirm that the Board will be meeting with the Noncommercial Stakeholder Group on Tuesday 13 March from 3:30pm to 4:30pm.  The arrangements will be similar to those in Dakar - there will be a head table and class room style with additional chair seating.  Interpretation and scribing will be provided for the meeting.

It would be helpful if the Stakeholder Group could identify the three topics/questions that they are most interested in discussing with the Board and sending those to me by Friday 2 March.  I will endeavor to the same on behalf of the Board.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Diane Schroeder

Director of Board Support
4676 Admiralty Way,  Ste. 330
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
+1-310-823-9358 (main)
+1-310-301-5827 (direct)
+1-310-823-8649 (fax)
+1-562-644-2524 (mobile)