On 2/5/12, "Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I agree here with Avri. The guidebook has enough safeguards to prevent
> misuse of the names of any IGO, NGO or other organisations. If you start to
> make exceptions as part of a "policy" you end in a nowhere land. Each case -
> if one appears - can be handled individually and there a lot of instruments
> you can use to stop the misuse of an established and recognized IGO/NGO
> name.


 With regard to IGOs, this wll become part of GACs responsibilities, to
> go through the list of applications and to raise concerns if a private
> corporation applies for a new gTLD like .itu.

It might even be the job of the Independent Objector under "Community
Objections" to object to something like .redcross or even .itu.


"A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A
route indicates how we get there."  Jon Postel