As a bit of a politics junkie myself, I have to say I disagree with the learned Professor Mueller's metaphor. 

It is arguable that the US Capitol building is not home to one of the world's "first democracies"; however, for arguments sake, lets say it is...

The question should be framed as follows, "if the Capitol building collapses due to incompetent construction, and in the aftermath, the opportunity presents itself to re-think the nature of democracy, then should we? And if so, then what changes should we bring about?"

The same should apply to ICANN and what is going on now. 

Mark R. Leiser
Phd Student
School of Law
Humanities & Social Sciences Faculty
Room 709, Level 7,
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University of Strathclyde
Glasgow, Scotland.
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On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 2:38 PM, William Drake <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi Carlos

Neither of us is saying it's not a big mess that won't have to be cleaned up.  Just that it's not obvious it requires a new round of organizational reinvention navel gazing at this particular juncture.

But I'm glad you think do anything merrily!


PS:  Please, Milton is not a political scientist, he just plays one.  We like states (not of nature).   He's actually a former art student gone bad, i.e. degree in communication.

On Apr 21, 2012, at 2:25 PM, Carlos A. Afonso wrote:

> Wow, Milton, this is really amazing. This is not a simple
> "implementation mistake". This involved serious breach of privacy of
> expensive applications which are part of investment strategies by
> business organizations in most cases. There is an obvious liability
> issue here involved. It cannot be dismissed as just "a computer form
> that did not work as expected", and cannot be left in the hands of the
> same staff which caused the problem. And you are not a computer
> scientist, you are a political scientist as far as I recall, which
> surprises me even more.
> And Bill Drake merrily embarks on the dismissing argument, what is going
> on with you people? :(
> --c.a.
> On 04/21/2012 03:54 AM, William Drake wrote:
>> I agree.  The governance model has issues, but this is a separate
>> matter.  We've just gone through the whole GNSO restructuring,
>> ramping up the AoC process, etc.  ICANN doesn't need and probably
>> couldn't handle another extended bout of navel-gazing debate about
>> reinvention right now.  It needs to let the dust settle for awhile,
>> get new leadership in place, get new gTLDs up and running, sort out
>> IANA, advance the "internationalization" and outreach efforts, etc.
>> Plenty on the plate already.
>> I can't imagine that the business folks that are laying out big cash
>> and maneuvering around new names aren't already screaming about the
>> screw up, or that the management won't be compelled to explain what
>> happened and assure everyone it hasn't skewed the application process
>> for/against anyone.  If there's going to a joint request for info
>> from SO/AC chairs or whatever, fine, but it's not obvious to me NCSG
>> needs to spend a bunch of cycles on this unless folks are looking for
>> something to do.
>> Bill
>> On Apr 19, 2012, at 3:45 PM, Milton L Mueller wrote:
>>> I am not sure I agree with the premise that an implementation
>>> mistake by the staff constitutes grounds for completely reinventing
>>> and rethinking ICANN. Can someone explain the logic of that to me?
>>> For example, if the Capitol building of one of the world's first
>>> democracies, e.g., the USA, had collapsed due to incompetent
>>> construction, would it mean that we should re-think the nature of
>>> democracy?
>>> I think they need to fix the mistake, fire those responsible, and
>>> move on.
>>> The root of the problem, to my mind, is not the governance model
>>> but, in this order: a) management problems; b) the rube
>>> Goldberg-like complexity of the new TLD program, and c) the more
>>> than a decade-long delay in accepting a policy, which means that we
>>> are dealing with a sudden flood of 1000+ applications rather than a
>>> steady trickle of 10 or so a year, and which, like b), is a product
>>> of the intense politics swirling around the program.
>>> Remember that this has never been done before.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> ICANN needs to rethink and reorganize itself!