On 12 July 2012 16:53, Avri Doria <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Of course if you and MM are right, and no one in their right mind would want one of these things anyway, then it might be a waste of time.

Remember, even I am not saying that need is zero.
These needs could be accomplished easily by adding double (or maybe triple) the gTLDs that now exist. Anything beyond that is vanity, needless duplication, confusion and challenges to both providers and consumers of Internet services without any adding of value. More phone books without more phones. And yes, I would toss in this "vanity" lot, most geographic and community TLDs.
And especially in the IDN space which is integrated with the rest of the gTLD program, i remain unconvinced.

In that specific instance I agree with you fully. It's a standing issue with ALAC to get IDN applications processed first regardless of whatever batching/prioritization is used for the rest. We (well, Carlton) stated that at the Public Forum and At-Large will continue to push for this.

- Evan