Milton wrote:
> The US govt’s Suzanne Sene, for example, said with horror in reaction
> to the idea that  TLDs should not be censored, “My God, what if
> someone proposes .jihad?

And indeed if .jihad was registered and operated by mainstream moderate 
muslim clerics with the intent to be to provide guidance on the 
interpretation of jihad os the personal struggle against temptation to do 
evil, it might in some small way help reduce radicalisation.

It's all about content, not labels. 

The KSA objection to .baby particularly really should be broadcast far and 
wide and held up to the ridicule it deserves.

Professor Andrew A Adams                      [log in to unmask]
Professor at Graduate School of Business Administration,  and
Deputy Director of the Centre for Business Information Ethics
Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan