Hello Beau,

It is your prerogative to unsubscribe from the NCSG-Discuss list.  However, may I offer a couple less drastic alternatives?  (These suggestions may come in handy for others, so I'm cc'ing the list)

1. Set your subscription to digest.  

With a "digest" subscription, you receive larger messages (called "digests") at regular intervals, usually once per day or once per week. These "digests" are collections of individual list postings.  Digests are a good compromise between reading everything as it is posted and feeling like the list is clogging your mailbox with a multitude of individual postings.

2. Set your subscription to index. 

With an "index" subscription, you receive short "index" messages at regular intervals, usually once per day or once per week. These "indexes" show you what is being discussed on the list, without including the text of the individual postings. For each posting, the date, the author's name and address, the subject of the message, and the number of lines is listed. You can then download messages of interest from the server (the index contains instructions on how to do that). An index subscription is ideal if you have a slow connection and only read a few hand-picked messages. The indexes are very short and you do not have to worry about long download times. The drawback of course is that you need to reconnect to retrieve messages of interest from the server

3. Set your subscription to nomail.  

This option toggles off the receipt of mail from the list.  However, you will still be able to post to the list. You may want to disable mail delivery if you will be away from your mail for an extended period of time.

4. Configure your own email client to automatically kill/filter mail received from the list.

This option is the most customizable.  E.g., you could filter all mail from a specific individual, or mail which contains specific words. 

If you have further questions, please contact me off list.  All of the list options above can be managed by the subscriber in the Subscribers Corner (look for the "Subscribe or Unsubscribe" link) at https://listserv.syr.edu/scripts/wa.exe?A0=NCSG-DISCUSS  If none of these options work, I'm happy to unsubscribe you (or you can do this yourself).


Brenden Kuerbis
Internet Governance Project

On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 11:33 PM, Beau Brendler <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
please unsubscribe me from this mailing list. Thanks/Beau Brendler
-----Original Message-----
From: Baudouin SCHOMBE
Sent: Aug 20, 2012 3:16 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [NCSG-Discuss] Reminder: Annual Check-In to Verify NCSG Membership Records

Hello Robin,

I am a member and agree that this last time I had a complex agenda that I was not allowed to be present in his exchanges with our community.


Téléphone mobile:+243998983491
email                  : [log in to unmask]
skype                 : b.schombe
blog                    : http://akimambo.unblog.fr
Site Web             : www.ticafrica.net

2012/8/20 Robin Gross <[log in to unmask]>
Reminder:  Please send me an email today and "check-in" with me if you have not already done so to be included in the active members list eligible to vote in the upcoming NCSG annual election.   Today is the last day before we post the initial "active" and "inactive" members list.

Thank you,

On Aug 6, 2012, at 2:17 PM, Robin Gross wrote:

Dear NCSG Members:

It is time for our annual member "check-in" process in anticipation of the fall NCSG elections.  In order to receive an email ballot for the annual election, each member is required to "check-in" each year to ensure the member is current and "active" and that the email ballot will be sent to correct the email address for that member.

Therefore, each member will receive a separate email notice from me today asking you to check-in by replying to that email (as per the NCSG Charter).  I will include the word "Important" in the subject line if you need to search your various email boxes and spam filters for the message.

If you do not respond to that email by 20 August 2012 to verify your active membership, then you will be put on the "inactive" list.

I will try additional measures to contact those "inactive" members (phone, email, etc.) for another week to verify their active membership.  Any "inactive" member who checks-in before 27 August 2012 will be moved to the "active" members list and will be able to vote in the fall election.

So it is important that you take a moment to check-in by replying to that separate email request at your earliest opportunity.

Thank you,

Robin Gross, Executive Director
1192 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA  94117  USA

Robin Gross, Executive Director
1192 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA  94117  USA