Hi Milton,

it is good question about how ICANN give procurement / hire consultants for many sensitive issues in not that transparent process.
I don't know how to assess those experts but they seems more familiar to business/corporate world and their probable lack os knowledge that you mentioned in details raise questions how they can fit such important positions.
I do agree with Mary comment too regarding diversity,



2012/9/15 Milton L Mueller <[log in to unmask]>

None of these "experts" knows a thing about Internet governance, ICANN's history, ICANN or the political dimension of accountability. This is a typical ICANN approach to a sensitive issue, hand-pick a bunch of on-paper "experts" through who-knows-what kind of a vetting process who will do a whitewash report that is guaranteed not to rock the boat




ICANN Launches Accountability Structures Expert Panel, Seeks Community Input

11 September 2012

In fulfillment of ATRT Recommendations 23 and 25, calling for a review of ICANN's Accountability Structures, ICANN has identified an international panel of experts to serve on the Accountability Structures Expert Panel (ASEP). Biographies of the experts are available at http://www.icann.org/en/news/in-focus/accountability/asep.

The ASEP is interested in hearing from the ICANN community regarding your thoughts on ICANN's accountability structures, particularly the Reconsideration process and the Independent Review process, and whether they can or should be modified. Your comments and inputs can be submitted to [log in to unmask] and comments can be viewed at http://forum.icann.org/lists/asep/. Please provide your input by 1 October 2012.

The ASEP will be posting updates regarding its work, with a detailed project plan expected by mid-September. All information regarding the ASEP will be accessible from the ASEP page at http://www.icann.org/en/news/in-focus/accountability/asep.