On 12 October 2012 07:40, William Drake <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Merge the proposed group with the ISP stakeholders and call the
> newly-rechartered result the "infrastructure constituency" -- which is what
> I thought it should have been in the first place.
> I have to wonder how well the telecenters' interests and positions on
> gTLDs (TBD) would fit with those of the ISPs, particularly since some of
> the latter are not insubstantial players with varying degrees of market
> power.

My rationale is that these groups would (one would think) care more about
ICANN delivery issues (IPv6, IPv4 scarcity, IDNs, DNS security, scaling
issues) than with who-gets-what-TLD.

Every stakeholder group (except maybe the IPC) has a mix of big and small
players and regional diversity, the ISPC should not be immune from the
benefit of such broadening.

 - Evan