I think there's room for constructive engagement, and I would welcome 
it. From how and what you say below, I am convince that you can do so 


On 23/10/2012 3:31 PM, Evan Leibovitch wrote:
> Now, a question: What is the preference here towards the level of my 
> participation? Is it that I stay relatively quiet except for 
> specifically-defined points of joint engagement? Or is it OK if I 
> occasionally wade into discussions, giving (my own personal take on) 
> the ALAC perspective on issues that we have worked upon. If so 
> engaged, will always indicate when an opinion is my own, based on a 
> formal ALAC statement, or on my own reading of the mood of the 
> At-Large Community. I'm OK to engage at any level. While such PoVs may 
> at times differ from the prevailing mood of NCSG, it's not my intent 
> to be disruptive.