Good people,

I duly and appropriately repeat my below nomination.



On Oct 7, 2012 8:54 AM, "Alex Gakuru" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Thanks David! Yes, my maximum term of office has been reached and I take this opportunity to thank the Constituency for voting for me and re-electing me for three successive terms. I would happily nominate Molefi Mafereka Ndlovu, Centre of Civil Society, University of KwaZulu Natal, if he agreed to stand for the Africa Rep slot. Happy voting.


On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 8:38 AM, David Cake <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I'd also like to bring to the attention of the membership that several of the NCUC Regional Representatives on the NCUC Exec, including myself as Asia/Pacific/Australia rep, are term limited and will not be recontesting this election. The same applies to Africa and North America. If you are interested, please speak up! 



On 07/10/2012, at 1:14 AM, Brenden Kuerbis wrote:

Dear Noncommercial Users Constituency (NCUC) members,

It has been a year and elections are upon us. We need to elect an NCUC Chair and an NCUC Executive Committee.

Specifically, the positions open up for elections are:

1. NCUC Chair
2. NCUC EC – Europe
3. NCUC EC - Africa
4. NCUC EC – Asia and the Pacific
5. NCUC EC – North America
6. NCUC EC – Latin America

We would like to have the elected officers take office before the new year, so we suggest the following schedule:

October 15-31: Nominations submitted to list (please confirm with the nominee in advance, self nominations are welcome)
November 1-14: Develop ballot w/ICANN staff, nominees present statements
November 15-30: Election period
December 1: Results announced

Thank you and best of luck to all the candidates.

On behalf of the NCUC Executive Committee and Chair,

Brenden Kuerbis
Internet Governance Project