Dear Noncommercial Users Constituency (NCUC) members,

It has been a year and elections are upon us. We need to elect an NCUC Chair
and an NCUC Executive Committee.

Specifically, the positions open up for elections are:

1. NCUC Chair
2. NCUC EC – Europe
3. NCUC EC - Africa
4. NCUC EC – Asia and the Pacific
5. NCUC EC – North America
6. NCUC EC – Latin America

We would like to have the elected officers take office before the new year,
so we suggest the following schedule:

October 15-31: Nominations submitted to list (please confirm with the
nominee in advance, self nominations are welcome)
November 1-14: Develop ballot w/ICANN staff, nominees present statements
November 15-30: Election period
December 1: Results announced

Thank you and best of luck to all the candidates.

On behalf of the NCUC Executive Committee and Chair,

Brenden Kuerbis
Internet Governance Project