Hi all and Mary,

With apols for my brevity as I'm en route to Australia and pretty much going offline for the next few weeks - Chris asked if I'd be happy for him to post about this and I agreed as this is a public interest issue for me. 

It would be great if people could post their views, one way or the other. Fadi's most recent blog post indicates he's becoming aware of the issues raised by a do it yourself policy process, and it can only help everyone to articulate - publicly - what is right or wrong about it. 

All the best, Maria

On 15 December 2012 04:58, <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hello everybody,

In case you haven't seen this, ICANN ombudsman Chris LaHatte has just posted a notice of our Councilor Maria Farrell's complaint regarding the recent holding of closed (unrecorded) invitation-only meetings in Brussels and LA, convened by CEO Fadi Chehade, to discuss (ostensibly) the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) implementation/technical details, but which also discussed recent requests by the IP & Business Constituencies to reopen certain issues that some considered agreed policy, others implementation: https://omblog.icann.org/?p=827

As there was much interest and lively discussion on our list on this topic, I thought it might be useful for those who expressed views on the issue - especially those who agree that this type of meeting doesn't bode well for transparency, inclusiveness and equal multi-stakeholder participation - to weigh in by either emailing Chris or submitting comments on the blog.

I leave it to our elected officials to decide if a formal statement from either/both Constituencies and/or the SG as a whole would be appropriate.


Mary W S Wong
Professor of Law
Director, Franklin Pierce Center for IP
Chair, Graduate IP Programs
Two White Street
Concord, NH 03301
Email: [log in to unmask]
Phone: 1-603-513-5143
Webpage: http://www.law.unh.edu/marywong/index.php
Selected writings available on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) at: http://ssrn.com/author=437584