
Thanks Mary.  There are indeed areas of convergence here, but aside from a brief chat at our Prague meeting we've not had a chance to talk with ALAC about them.  We've also raised some of these issues with the board at various meetings and our pre-meeting policy conferences, but again no chance for follow up.  It'd be great if in the new year we could start to have some focused discussions and positioning internally and externally on broad strategic matters.  The NCPH meeting in LA in January offers a good F2F opportunity to consider ways to do this…



On Dec 15, 2012, at 7:21 AM, [log in to unmask] wrote:

> This is a follow up on Evan's request a while ago, pre-Toronto - on the At Large White Paper on Making ICANN Relevant, Responsive & Respected (R3). A public comment period is now open through 3 January 2013. As many of the issues and recommendations in the paper are topics of concern to many NCSG members, I hope that a discussion on this list will help anyone planning to submit a public comment (perhaps on behalf of the members?) as well as furthering discussions on the topic between NCSG and At Large.