Hi everybody,


I’d like to thank Robin, Brenden and the staff at ICANN for all their hard work in running this election. If the democracies of the world were able to conduct elections as clearly and smoothly as this group did we’d all be better off. Thanks again.

To my fellow candidates: I’m used to running campaigns, I’m not used to being the person out front. It takes a special person, myself excluded, to take that risk and run for office. Thank you for doing so.  Regardless of the result,  this Constituency needs everyone working together if we’re going to have success and I hope all are willing. We have a lot of work to do and we need the energies and talents of each and every member  to get it done. With Bill’s leadership there is so much we can accomplish.

I never thought the goal of my year, were I successful, on the EC would be to give hope to Avri. Through her energy, intelligence, hard work and passion she has given so much to all of us. Yes,  recent events have given all of us much pause to thought. But...we need to remember why we are all doing this,  we need to remember  those whose interests we have pledged to represent: the billions of noncommercial internet users throughout this world. The day the internet becomes no more than a platform for commerce is the day the internet as we know it dies. We have a compelling story to tell and the best of all reasons to tell it: to save the open, free, innovative internet for ourselves and future generations. 

Thanks to everyone for their support and I’ll do my best to justify your confidence in me.

Edward Morris

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 2:31 PM, Brenden Kuerbis <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear NCUC Members,

Please find below the results of the 2012 NCUC Executive Committee election (complete report file attached):

130 01 Bill Drake
10 02 Abstain

42 03 Wilson Abigaba
21 04 Hago Dafalla
21 05 Molefi Mafereka Ndlovu
54 06 Abstain

66 07 Norbert Klein
65 08 Mary Wong
11 09 Abstain

45 10 Nuno Garcia
54 11 Tapani Tarvainen
22 12 Rudi Vansnick
17 13 Abstain

Latin America/Caribbean islands
124 14 Carlos A. Afonso
16 15 Abstain

North America
103 16 Edward Morris
37 17 Abstain

Congratulations to our newly elected Executive Committee! Thanks to all the Nominees and Members who participated, and also Glen de Saint Géry and ICANN for facilitating the election.  I wish the new EC a successful and productive term in 2013.


Brenden Kuerbis
Internet Governance Project