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On 23/01/2013 12:44 PM, Edward Morris wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">

My dear friend,

You lie.

- As I am in my declining years, I have become more of an observer. My physical and intellectual power is gone. -

Your poetically inspirational words show that your intellectual power is very much alive and with you. Thank you for sharing your beautiful words and thoughts with with all of us. They truly reflect the underlying purpose of all we do. 

Happy Dr. King Day to you and your family.

We here are a diverse group from many backgrounds.  And yet we hold dear the common goal of truth and equity.

I personally had the privilege to not only meet, but to become a friend to Dr. King.  Though his goal seemed to be one sided, his words spoke truth for all races and cultures of peoples over the world.  Was he right about everything?  Is anyone among us perfect? As he clashed against the powers of greed and lust, he met his physical demise.  This made him immortal to the hearts and minds of those who seek personal liberty.  He is but one of history's heroes.

Little do we know what affect we each may have as our voices echo down the corridors of time.  Be not proud, but steadfast.  There may be heroes who rise among our ranks.  Let us be patient and diligent.  Our combined efforts may seem to falter.   Keep the faith unto the end that we have been tasked to preserve liberty to all and not just the privileged few.

Calm yourselves and prepare your battles well.
