
Thank you for this.

I think there is one more role that the NCUC EC is responsible for appointing.

The Standing Committee on GNSO Improvements (SCI) <https://community.icann.org/display/gnsosci/Home>.  This is the group that reviews the rules established for the GNSO and the g-council and recommends changes to operating procedures and by-laws when there is full consensus to do so.

Each constituency has a primary and an alternate member.  In consensus decisions, each constituency only has one voice, but in voting matters, such as election of the chair and v-chair of the SCI, both members get to vote.

I used to be the Alternate for NCUC, but stepped down a while back to focus on my role as Primary for NCSG.

So among the things that NCUC-EC needs to appoint is an alternate. 
(note NCSG also needs to appoint an Alternate, especially since I do not plan to serve in SCI after this yea, at least not for a while.)

While this is a process intense committee, where discussion and recommendation of procedures are the substance of the group, it is very important to the balanced application and creation of rules in the GNSO and the g-council.  Please talk to NCUC-EC members if you are interested in being appointed to this role.



On 13 Jan 2013, at 11:27, William Drake wrote:

> Hello,
> One of the things I'd like to happen going forward is regular monthly reporting back to NCUC members by the EC on any noteworthy organizational and policy matters.  We don't have a mechanism in place yet to coordinate a collective effort on this, so I'll get it started with a few notes on recent developments.
