Dear Bill, dear Colleagues,

I argued and pleaded, to no avail until today, to have separate NCUC and NPOC email lists ever since I joined NCUC as an individual member and Fundacion Chasquinet joined NPOC as an organizational member, around July 2011 and 832 NCSG-Discuss emails later! 

As an individual member interested in the three strings of discussions: NCUC, NPOC and NCSG, it will not reduce traffic for me but it will for most NPOC members representatives who are not individual members of NCUC.

 I'm quite happy to finally see a consensus developing towards accepting my original request. NCUC and NPOC folks can do their Constituency affairs on dedicated lists and  NCSG-Discuss will be reserved for NCSG issues.

Good news and thanks to Bill for taking the lead and the initiative!


On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 11:02 AM, William Drake <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear NCUC members,

After quite a lot of preparatory discussion in the EC and beyond, we are now ready to begin taking steps to build a bit of organizational infrastructure in the hope this will strengthen the constituency and by extension its advocacy in ICANN.  This message concerns two of those steps, the formation of teams to deal with functional tasks, and the establishment of listservs both for the teams and the membership generally.

At the end of this message is the initial list of NCUC members who've volunteered to work in standing or ongoing teams and ad hoc or temporary teams.  Many thanks for your willingness to help out.  In the event that other NCUC members subsequently decide to consider participating, included in each case is the email address of the team's coordinator.  Each team will be largely self-directed but maintain communication with the EC via shared members and reporting as needed. Each will work out its own agenda and timeline taking into account EC input and the parameters set by the calendars of NCUC, NCSG, and ICANN.  Presumably decision making should involve rough and hopefully more consensus within the team and with the EC as needed, and there should be mechanisms developed for refreshing coordination, reporting to and seeking input from the general membership, and so on.  We'll work out the details as we go and strive to ensure everyone's informed and can weigh in to taste.

A foundational issue we faced in getting this going is creating communication spaces for the teams.  Hence the e-platform team already has been having extensive discussions on a number of fronts.  In the weeks and months ahead we'll tackle the big long-term questions like what to do with the and Confluence sites, whether to make use of new platforms configured how, establishing a holistic approach to locating and administering our resources, etc.  In the short-term here's what we've decided.

First, Tapani has created listservs for each of the teams, and people who volunteered will have received subscription invitations.  Again, other members who get interested can be in touch with the teams' respective coordinators whenever.  The optimal size may vary across cases, we'll cross these bridges when we come to them.  We may down the line co-locate all our lists and hence move the archives etc., TBD.

Second, we've reached agreement in the EC and EPT (uh oh, new acronyms coming….sorry) on establishing a new ncuc members listserv (double sorry).  As you probably know, from 2003 - 2010 the present listserv was [log in to unmask], then with the formation of NCSG and NPOC it became NCSG-NCUC-DISCUSS@ and finally [log in to unmask]  Many folks thought we should have a single listserv to discuss GNSO/ICANN matters and that there wasn't a need for a NCUC-specific list.  However, when NCUC people did need to communicate with each other (as in this message) there's been nowhere else to do it, and some NPOC folks have objected to constituency-related traffic on the shared list.  Fair enough, and now that we're hoping NCUC will be getting more active on intra-organizational matters, there's really no getting around having a separate list, as NPOC does.  So in the next few weeks we'll be setting this up, and will be back to you about the details of the transition.  Yes, sorry, this will mean one more list for NCUC people to be subscribed to, but that's what filters and folders are for, and it's not clear there will be a particularly noteworthy aggregate increase in mail with two lists.  But we do need a space to communicate, and there's no reason for NPOC folks to have to be skipping/deleting our internal messages.

More to come…




Standing teams


Wilson Abigaba  [Coordinator] <[log in to unmask]>    
Avri Doria
Bill Drake
Brenden Kuerbis
Edward Morris
David Cake
Sarah Clayton
Tapani Tarvainen

In-reach/member engagement

Edward Morris   [Coordinator]  <[log in to unmask]>   
Rafik Dammak 
Bill Drake  
Amr Elsadr 

Outreach/new member recruitment

Edward Morris   [Coordinator]  <[log in to unmask]>   
Alex Gakura
Bill Drake
Nuno Garcia
Olga Kortokova
Roy Balleste


Mary Wong [Coordinator]   <[log in to unmask]>    
Bill Drake
Sarah Clayton


Maria Farrell  [Coordinator] <[log in to unmask]>    
Anthony Nweke
Bill Drake
Brenden Kuerbis
Milton Mueller 
Tapani Tarvainen

Ad Hoc

Charter Revision

Bill Drake [Coordinator] <[log in to unmask]>    
Edward Morris
Grace (Bomu) Mutung'u
Olga Kortokova
Tapani Tarvainen

Beijing Conference Program 

Wolfgang Kleinwächter  [Coordinator] <[log in to unmask]>   
Hong Xue
Bill Drake
Milton Mueller
Robin Gross

William J. Drake
International Fellow & Lecturer
  Media Change & Innovation Division, IPMZ
  University of Zurich, Switzerland
Chair, Noncommercial Users Constituency, 
[log in to unmask]

Alain Berranger, B.Eng, MBA
Member, Board of Directors, CECI,
Executive-in-residence, Schulich School of Business,
Treasurer, Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation,
NA representative, Chasquinet Foundation,
O:+1 514 484 7824; M:+1 514 704 7824
Skype: alain.berranger

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