Thanks Bill,

I very much regard this step as a very positive one!

Cheers, Alain

On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 11:16 AM, William Drake <[log in to unmask]>wrote:

> Hi
> I sent a message intended for NCUC members that you may have skipped but
> that included info of relevance to you.  Sorry.  So to repeat, we're going
> to establish an NCUC-DISCUSS listserv for intra-constituency discussions.
>  Some of you have expressed a desire for this in the past, so I hope this
> will be regarded as a positive step forward.
> Cheers
> Bill
> On Jan 20, 2013, at 5:02 PM, William Drake <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> As you probably know, from 2003 - 2010 the present listserv was
> [log in to unmask], then with the formation of NCSG and NPOC
> it became NCSG-NCUC-DISCUSS@ and finally [log in to unmask]  Many folks
> thought we should have a single listserv to discuss GNSO/ICANN matters and
> that there wasn't a need for a NCUC-specific list.  However, when NCUC
> people did need to communicate with each other (as in this message) there's
> been nowhere else to do it, and some NPOC folks have objected to
> constituency-related traffic on the shared list.  Fair enough, and now that
> we're hoping NCUC will be getting more active on intra-organizational
> matters, there's really no getting around having a separate list, as NPOC
> does.  So in the next few weeks we'll be setting this up, and will be back
> to you about the details of the transition.  Yes, sorry, this will mean one
> more list for NCUC people to be subscribed to, but that's what filters and
> folders are for, and it's not clear there will be a particularly noteworthy
> aggregate increase in mail with two lists.  But we do need a space to
> communicate, and there's no reason for NPOC folks to have to be
> skipping/deleting our internal messages.

Alain Berranger, B.Eng, MBA
Member, Board of Directors, CECI,<>
Executive-in-residence, Schulich School of Business,
Treasurer, Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation,
NA representative, Chasquinet Foundation,
O:+1 514 484 7824; M:+1 514 704 7824
Skype: alain.berranger

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