In the tech world I always though diversity meant Apple vs. Windows vs. 
Linux. Firefox vs. Explorer. Nano vs. VI.

As to religion - I'm a Realist. I believe in everything that is real and 
disbelieve everything that isn't real. In fact I own a registered 
trademark on the word "REALITY". And yes - we Atheist/Humanist/Realists 
are the oppressed minority and therefore we add diversity.

On 1/31/2013 11:26 PM, Andrew A. Adams wrote:
> Marc,
> Diversity is indeed a difficult subject but the difficulty of getting it
> perfect should not prevent us from making efforts where it is feasible.
> The questions of religion and political viewpoint are some of the thorniest
> ones, since there is dispute about how much religion and political viewpoint
> are "inherited" and how much are "by choice". Of course race is also socially
> defined and dependent on geography and time period (there was a recent
> article on how "Latinos" in the USA may soon come to be viewed as "White" in
> much the same way that Jews are now mostly so-regarded despite historically
> being a significantly oppressed group.
> As we're both variants of atheist/humanist, I'm not sure how productive a
> discussion between us on the status of religion could be.