On Thu, 14 Feb 2013, Kristina Macaulay wrote:

> Dear NCSG member,
> On the issue of security, resilience, threat…could we turn our attention to our own communications…per say... etc…
> We are now being spammed… when can we go onto an encryption email system… to stop this from happening...makes it expensive for someone to use regimail to SPAM people which acts as a built-in deterrent.
> Maybe one day… sorry this happened through Marie-Laure.

you may correct me if i'm wrong, but this is not "spammed" because the
message originated from a list member.    encryption would not be a

> Furthermore may I stress that some of the issues discussed should not be things that could be easily intercepted and read.

this is an open forum, and the would is encouraged to read and understand
our discussions.
