Begin forwarded message:

From: Robin Gross <[log in to unmask]>
Date: January 30, 2013 6:12:47 PM PST
To: Steve Crocker <[log in to unmask]>
Cc: "NCSG-Policy <[log in to unmask]>" <[log in to unmask]>, Diane Schroeder <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [PC-NCSG] NCSG Consumer Metrics letter to the ICANN Board of Directors

Dear Dr. Crocker,

Attached herewith please find NCSG's letter on the Consumer Metrics issue to explain noncommercial users' dissenting view on this issue.  Please share our letter with the entire board.  NCSG stands ready to discuss our views with the board further.

Thank you,
Robin Gross, NCSG Chair