Thanks Kathy,

It was a good meeting. For me it was about an opportunity to start some NPOC team building. Secondly, it was the very first time in my opininon that NCSG leadership came together and a climate of trust clearly set in so that from here on we will together move the non-commercial issues forward. We have a lot of work to do together, for  instance getting NGO/NFP Engagement on the same level at ICANN as Government Engagement and Business Engagement. With the NCSG getting its act together, we have removed a barrier to ICANN creating a dedicated senior post for NGO/NPF Engagement.
Also, the LA meeting was an opportunity to reach to CSG and its Constituencies leadership and to establish perhaps that a win for one side is not always a loss for the other and that NCHP has a role to play in advancing a number of higher level debates to make ICANN stronger in the end.


On Friday, February 1, 2013, Kathy Kleiman wrote:
Hi All,
I have not yet read the attached paper, but it is a background paper that Fadi received at the World Economic Forum in Davos.  Fadi was in a meeting on user data and privacy, and found himself speaking for users (those whose data is captured). Hooray!  

A good intersessional meeting in LA.  A new experiment on having the Noncommercial and Commercial meet together for meetings on both policy issues, and administrative issues (for growth and operation of our Stakeholder and constituency groups). I hope others will comment. I found it very valuable -- and think we have a great NCSG team!


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: WEF Background Paper
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2013 12:26:56 -0800
From: Fadi Chehade <[log in to unmask]>
To: Robin Gross <[log in to unmask]>, Wendy Seltzer <[log in to unmask]>, Kathy Kleiman <[log in to unmask]>

Robin, Wendy and Kathy:


As promised during the GNSO NCPH Meeting yesterday, attached you will find a copy of the Background Paper from the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2013, Davos, Switzerland entitled "Unlocking the Personal Data: From Collection to Usage”.


Please forward it to the other NCPH members in attendance.


Thank you,



Alain Berranger, B.Eng, MBA
Member, Board of Directors, CECI,
Executive-in-residence, Schulich School of Business,
Treasurer, Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation,
NA representative, Chasquinet Foundation,
O:+1 514 484 7824; M:+1 514 704 7824
Skype: alain.berranger

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